Friday, May 26, 2017

A New Chapter

Recently I have posted about dreaming again and freeing up my time.  I did not mean to be so cryptic; I simply wanted to be intentional about what I wrote.

In January I began to focus on self-care.  In the beginning, this meant the food I consumed and my exercise routine (and trying to get more sleep, which did not really happen).  While these changes certainly helped, much more needed to change in my life.

A dear friend confronted me in early March to express her concern about the pace I have kept the last three years (with work and otherwise).  I had been unraveling at the seams for a while, but the effects were becoming more apparent to all those who crossed my path.  She expressed her concern in love, but of course it was hard to hear.  I spent 24 hours crying bed, and then decided to start fervently praying about my future, especially pertaining to my career.  During this time, I clung to music worship.  Honestly too exhausted to articulate my own prayer, I prayed "I Have This Hope" by Tenth Avenue North and "Trust in You" by Lauren Daigle.

For the last three years I have juggled two careers (nursing and Wildtree) and several volunteer roles.  Over the course of six weeks, I prayed that God would shed light on which career path I should pursue and which volunteer positions I should let go.

Day by day it became clear that I needed to step back from my leadership role at Wildtree (DO NOT PANIC CUSTOMERS: I AM STILL STAYING ACTIVE AS A REP!).  I LOVED my three years (almost exactly) of leadership with Wildtree: the income, the flexibility, the friendships, the free vacations, the personal development.  Wildtree truly shaped the second half of my 20's for the better.  I also decided to relinquish ALL of my formal volunteer roles to focus on my family.

Stepping back from my leadership role at Wildtree meant taking a full time position at Lutheran (split between Mom/Baby and Lactation).  Nearly a month has passed since I transitioned to my full time role, and I am LOVING it.  When I am at work, I give 110%.  When I am at home, I am FULLY PRESENT.  The flexibility with Wildtree turned out to be a double edged sword for me.  I have seen it work so well for many of my peers, but I never figured out how to have good boundaries.  I did not know how to put the work down and be present with my family.

During those six weeks of prayer, the desire to go back to school grew in me.  More specifically, I want to be an integrative family nurse practitioner in the direct primary care movement.  I plan to start around the same time James goes to kindergarten and go to school part time (I will likely take five years to do a 2-3 year program).

BUT FOR NOW, I PLAN TO SPEND 2017 FOCUSING ON MY FAMILY, specifically Wes, James, and my parents.  We covet your prayers for sweet James during this transition.  I worked from home so much before.  It has not clicked for him that even though I am away from home more, we have more time together without distractions.

Thanks for all the love and support :).

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