Friday, January 20, 2017

Day 14 and going strong!

Day 14 of my anti-inflammatory lifestyle!!!

Overall things have been going very well.  It has actually be a lot easier than I anticipated because I am finally READY.  I had a couple hiccups while I traveled to St. Louis and back (had, a couple drinks one night, accidentally had some soy and sugar in a salad dressing, and had some pesto on chicken, which contained has parmesan cheese).

Within a couple of days, I noticed:

- significant decrease in my eczema
- decrease in headaches (I have also gone back to the chiropractor)

My brain fog and fatigue have not changed, but I know that I am experiencing "die-off" from the candida, among other things.

I have never made it to the two week mark before, so I am very encouraged.  I do not have any thoughts of "quitting".  I know the benefits will be significant, I just need to be patient.  The one thing that has been discouraging is that I have not seen any weight change.  I am only weighing in once a week, so we will see if anything has changed when I weigh in this weekend.  I also fear that I may have to eliminate more foods if I do not get my desired results (eggs, legumes, corn, nightshades).

Many have reached out to ask what I have been doing and what tools I am using to plan and prepare my/our food:

1. BREAKFAST: eggs, bacon, avocados and/or roasted tomatoes; coffee with almond milk (New Barn or Malk brand) and a tsp. of raw honey
2. LUNCH: At work, salad bar (with dressing from home); at home, raw veggies, minimal fresh fruit, nuts, avocados, boiled eggs, hummus;  starting Wildtree's "Salad-In-A-Jar" concept this week!
3.  DINNER: Wildtree freezer meals (easily made without gluten, dairy, soy, and sugar)!
4. INSTANT POT: I can cook anything in that thing!
5. SNACKS while out and about: almonds, cashews, beef jerky (watch out for sugar), fresh veggies, hummus, WATER with essential oils

I dream (literally) about wine and chai tea, cheese and vanilla yogurt, croissants and donuts.  But I have hope that I can see incredible change in my health, and that is worth saying "good-bye" to those things forever.

GOALS FOR THIS WEEK: drink more water and establish an exercise routine!

I will be doing food prep this weekend so I will take pictures and post them.  Thanks for supporting my journey!  I would love to support any of you in an anti-inflammatory lifestyle too!